■最終更新日 2018/09/01
-1期 第八話- We cooked rice at school
I brought that magazine...
Oh! Are you the transfer student I've heard about?
I thought so! Nice meet to you!
I live next door. I'm Fujimiya Konomi.
Yep! you're just as big and pretty as I heard!
Okay,let's shake hands!
Yeah? Nice meet to you,Hotaru-chan!
So,what were you doing?
Not an MP3 player?
No,not MP for magic points...
Well,if you don't know what it is,never mind.
Yeah,when you were in fifth grade,
you still carried plushies everywhere,
and ran around in the fields all day.
You listen to classical,too?
I listen to Western music,too.
Komari-chan,do you really listen to classical music?
What kind do you listen to?
What kind do you listen to,Hotaru-chan?
"Winter" is also nice.
Really?let me try it sometime!
What Western music do you listen to?
Even the quiz king wouldn't know the answer to that.
Oh,yeah.This is the magazine you asked for.
The special issue on autumn accessorizing.
Well,it's true that we'll have to buy winter clothes soon.
What I want right now is distressed denim.
Yeah.I want something with a little more of a damaged look.
Aren't you interested in denim at all?
So you really did buy it not even knowing it was a chou-chou?
No,it's a "chou-chou."
You couldn't keep up,and you want to raise the difficalty level?
Okay,if we're talking about"grown-up stuff"
should we tell stories about love?
Sure,if you actually have a love story,let's hear it.
That is,if you have one.
I've heard people say"I have no words,"
but I guess you had a "nah."
Not to mention the only boy around here is Glasses-kun.
But,Hotaru-chan,you lived in Tokyo.
How about it,Hotaru-chan?
Did you have someone you liked?
H-hey,Komari-chan,that's not something you say while throwing a tantrum.
Works for me,too.
I came to play.
Dried persimmons?
I've never made any. You sure I should help?
Yeah,I just got here.
I'll help you with the persimmons.
It's fine. We've known each other forever.
I know you well.It's a puberty,right?
Looks that way.
We tie these persimmons with string?
Oh,cute! Let me see!
There, Kakijiro-kun's first evolution!
Ready for the second evolution?
So now we just dry them and they're done?
Nacchan,easy on my shoulders...
Come on,I'll do it,too.
Feels like fall.
Let's eat!Stem Ranger!
-1期 第九話- We tried having a cultural festival
You guys working hard? I came to visit.
Wow,what a mess.What are you all doing?
A cultural festival?
I thought your school didn't do fancy stuff like that?
What're you gonna do?
Oh,are you gonna invite me,too?
Hand me the phone.
I'll use my masterful way with words to talk her into it.
Hikage-chan,you'll come to the cultural festival,right?
You're okay with meeting at my place?
That doesn't matter.
Okay,I'll tell Kazuho-san to cover it for you.
If she doesn't,we'll worry about it then.
Anyway,we'll go with that,so make sure you come!
My masterful way with words was successful!
So,do you think you can come to the festival?
Hey!what do you think you're doing?
I haven't been here in ages.
So,can we go on inside?
I'll have apple cake and lemon tea.
You're going to play the recorder?
That was great,Komari-chan!
I could never do that!Way to go!
Huh?But she tried really hard.We should praise her.
That's pretty long,no matter what they're trying to do.
Well,we had fun,so it's all good.
And now I'm five for five.
You know,your family sure keeps stuff for a long time.
This game console is from ages ago,and your DVD player also plays video
What's up?
You've gotta clean your own room.
If you're helping her,I guess I will,too.
I won't have anyone to play with,anyway.
It's been a week since the cultural festival,right?
You've left mess here that while time?
I've been thinking this for a while now...
Those aren't toys that were popular when we were kids,are they?
Er,half the students is still only a few.
You brought that at the candy store,right?
What?! Where?!
I think that's from quite a while ago,too.
Nacchan,if you're gonna play,I won't help you any more.
Hey!you two!
If you keep that up,your mom will yell at you!
I had nothing else to do.
It looks like they sliped and fell somehow.
I'll keep an eye on them to make sure they finish by dinner.
Sure.Thank you.
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